CHCI News, Annual Meeting

CHCI 2022 Annual Meeting Registration Now Open

We are delighted to announce that registration for the CHCI 2022 Annual Meeting is now open. This will be our first in-person gathering since we last met in Dublin almost three years ago and we are very much looking forward to seeing many of you again and meeting others for the first time on the Duke University campus in Durham, North Carolina, from May 19 to 22. We want to thank our host, Ranjana Khanna, and all her staff at the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute.

The program includes meetings of CHCI Member Networks, sessions hosted by our local conference partners at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and the National Humanities Center, a members's dinner, as well as thematic site visits on the last day of the conference. While this program is designed to favor interactions and the kind of in-person exchange many of us have been missing, our greatest priority is the health and safety of all participants, attendees, and staff. For this reason, in addition to requiring that all participants are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and up to date with their vaccination, we also require all participants to agree to the conference safety protocols and policy.

Acknowledging that registration opens in a situation that is still uncertain due to the prolonged pandemic, but also because we want to build on the success of the last two virtual annual meetings, and make it possible to attend for delegates who cannot travel to Durham, we are offering an option to attend virtually, via Zoom.

Regardless of how you intend to join us, please visit our registration page, for more details about the registration process and requirements.