CHCI News, Global South

Julie Mehretu Named Top 100 Most Influential People of 2020 by Time Magazine

CHCI is thrilled to learn that artist Julie Mehretu has been named one of the Top 100 Most Influential People of 2020 by Time magazine. Born in Ethiopia and based in New York, Mehretu is a world-renowned painter, who has received numerous awards, including the The MacArthur Award (2005) and the US Department of State Medal of Arts Award (2015).

Recently, Mehretu was one of the leaders of the CHCI-Mellon Africa Humanities Workshop held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2019. Over two weeks, 35 participants from 9 African countries attended thematic seminars and lectures, and professional development workshops about academic research, writing, publishing, and instruction. As part of the workshop, Mehretu led a seminar that explored the relationship between cultural identity and art production.