CHCI News, Medical Humanities, Annual Meeting

CHCI Health and Medical Humanities Network Announces Summer Meeting

The CHCI Health and Medical Humanities Network Summer Institute 2021 will be hosted by the University of Southern Denmark, June 24-25, 2021. In light of ongoing travel restrictions, the conference will take place virtually to allow more Network members to attend and participate!

They have circulated a CFP for 2021. They invite abstracts, even from individuals who did not already submit one for this conference. Submissions are due on March 15, 2021.

Participants whose papers have already been accepted for the conference will be able to present their paper. The conference coordinator, Helene Snede Andersen, will reach out to individuals whose proposals have already been accepted with a re-registration form.

Among many other topics, they are particularly interested in thinking about how Space, Place, and Design in healthcare have changed in the last year. The new emphasis on virtual healthcare has increased access for some (e.g. for those with mobility issues) while decreasing access for others (e.g. for those with poor internet or low technological literacy).

Please direct questions either to me or to Helene Snede Andersen (