Writing and Society Research Centre
The University of Western Sydney

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Kate Fagan

Executive Officer

Suzanne Gapps


Dimitris Vardoulakis


The Writing and Society Research Centre's members include critics, theorists and philosophers, poets, novelists, experimental writers, translators, editors, performers and composers. The Centre’s core interest is in literature as a form of knowledge, and as an agent for the examination of social and cultural values. We provide a rigorous and active context for our researchers, honours and higher degree candidates.

We aim to build on the already established reputation of our activities, which are often collaborative and interdisciplinary in nature; and to assist the development of a sustaining literary milieu, particularly in the Greater Western Sydney region, where we have established projects that encourage young and emerging writers and writers of immigrant background.

Writing and Society has research strengths in modern literature and contemporary writing (especially Australian); critical theory, literature and philosophy; literary translation; cross-media arts, literary publishing and the new technologies of writing. We are committed to producing high quality research outcomes in the form of creative work of demonstrable excellence by centre members and postgraduate students, and through scholarly publications and research projects