Associate Director
Assistant Director
Business Administrator
The Glasscock Center is dedicated to fostering and celebrating the humanities and humanities research among the community of scholars at Texas A&M University and in the world beyond the academy. The Glasscock Center awards residential fellowships, research fellowships, grants to co-sponsor events, funding for working groups, publication support, and other awards for independent and cross-disciplinary research in the humanities. Fellows and grant recipients are integral to the Center’s on-going programs and activities through their faculty and graduate colloquia, working groups, and seminar series. The Center also recognizes outstanding scholarship annually with an international book prize, the Susanne M. Glasscock Humanities Book Prize for Interdisciplinary Scholarship, which is accompanied by a guest lecture from the recipient and a community event. Coordinated by the Glasscock Center, the Mary Jane and Carrol O. Buttrill ’38 Endowed Fund for Ethics supports events for faculty and students on the investigation of ethical issues.