Jackman Humanities Institute
University of Toronto

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Alison Keith Department of Classics and the Institute for Women and Gender Studies

Associate Director

Kimberley Yates

Office Administrator

Monica Toffoli

Finance Officer

Cheryl Pasternak


The Humanities Institute advances scholarship at the University of Toronto by creating new networks - both virtual and physical - for interaction among humanities scholars regardless of their discipline. The Institute serves as a community of research and study and a portal to the humanities at U of T by coordinating ongoing humanities activities and hosting initiatives such as weekly seminars and international conferences. The Institute's activities provide undergraduate and graduate students with opportunities for one-on-one interaction with world-renowned humanists. Through its breadth and inclusiveness, the Institute encourages U of T's full participation as a world leader in the humanities. Our focus on collaborative scholarship across academic boundaries promotes cross-disciplinary interaction among scholars of the humanities and qualitative social sciences, providing further impetus for innovative teaching and research. The Jackman Humanities Institute hosts CHCI-SSHRC postdoctoral fellows whose work is humanities-based and relevant to our annual theme. For more information, see: https://chcinetwork.org/chci-sshrc-hosts

The Jackman Humanities Institute hosts CHCI-SSHRC postdoctoral fellows whose work is humanities-based, and relevant to our annual theme. For more information, see: https://chcinetwork.org/chci-sshrc-hosts