Past Programs
CHCI supports a wide array of initiatives, including multiyear, international collaborative research projects, global institutes and workshops, and fellowships for scholars at member institutions.

Global Humanities Institutes
With the support of a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, CHCI launched, in 2017, the Global Humanities Institutes (GHIs), a program for a second generation of international collaboration. Since then, CHCI has funded five different projects on a broad range of themes, involving more than 25 centers and 200 participants from all continents.

Membership Activity Fund
CHCI is proud to continue offering the Membership Activity Fund, a small grant opportunity for CHCI members to fund inclusive collaborations in the humanities as well as activities with outcomes that benefit our membership. The next deadline is February 28, 2025 and we are increasing the maximum award amount to $10,000 USD.

Global Humanities Institute 2023: Post-Extractivist Legacies and Landscapes: Humanities, Artistic and Activist Responses
"Post-extractivist legacies and landscapes: Humanities, artistic and activist responses" takes a humanities-centred, transdisciplinary, and transregional approach to analysing the complex legacies and entanglements arising from mining as an extractivist process with massive environmental and socio-political impacts. (Image: Pond Ida-Virumaa Mining District, Judy Carroll Deeley, 2023)

Global Humanities Institute 2022: Climate Justice and Problems of Scale
The Global Humanities Institute on “Climate Justice and Problems of Scale” convened an international team of scholars committed to developing a research program and model for inclusive collaborative work in the environmental humanities at the University of Pretoria and online, from July 29, to August 7, 2022.

Global Humanities Institute 2020-21: Migration, Logistics and Unequal Citizens in Contemporary Global Context
The Global Humanities Institute on “Migration, Logistics and Unequal Citizens in Contemporary Global Context” was a two-week institute comprising working sessions conducted by the active participants in different forms of collaboration, keynote speeches, and artistic activities. The Institute was held virtually from June 1st-10th, 2021, and hosted by the International Center for Cultural Studies, NCTU.

Africa Humanities Workshops
Intensive, out-of-term schools workshops devoted to research, collaboration, and training primarily for early-career scholars from across the African Continent, the Africa Humanities Workshops will fit into CHCI’s broader agenda to foster global scholarly exchange in the humanities, and exchange that has a transformative effect on our understanding and practice of the humanities.

Global Humanities Institute 2019: Crises of Democracy
The Global Humanities Institute on "Crises of Democracy through the Prism of Cultural Trauma" was a two-week long institute delivered by a seasoned collaborative consortium of humanities scholars spanning four continents and a range of disciplines. The Institute was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from July 15 to 24, 2019, and was opened to early career scholars affiliated with CHCI member centers and institutes.

Global Humanities Institute 2019: Challenges of Translation
The Global Humanities Institute on "Theoretical Issues, Practical Densities: Violence, Memory, and the Untranslatable" was a two-week institute comprising working sessions conducted by the active participants in different forms of collaboration, keynote speeches, and artistic activities. The Institute was held in Santiago, Chile, from July 15 to 26, 2019.