Humanities Leaders Mentorship Program

The CHCI Humanities Leaders Mentorship Program is an annual mentorship program for CHCI members, focused on making connections and meeting the everyday challenges of operating centers and institutes for humanities research.

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The CHCI Humanities Leaders Mentorship Program is an annual mentorship program for CHCI members, focused on making connections and meeting the everyday challenges of operating centers and institutes for humanities research.

Mentor pairs will meet for individual meetings at a frequency of their choosing, and mentees will meet for informal conversation and resource sharing at two annual virtual workshops. The CHCI Administration Network will present the work and takeaways of this program at their session at the subsequent CHCI Annual Meeting.

Eligibility & Participation Process

All directors and staff from CHCI member organizations are welcome to participate in the program, and we will prioritize those new to their roles and those who are at a critical institutional moment, such as launching a new organization or undergoing strategic planning. Directors will be matched with members of our International Advisory Board as well as other experienced and former directors, and staff members will be matched with peer leaders in our membership.

Both current and former directors and staff are very welcome and encouraged to participate as mentors. We highly value the institutional knowledge and experiences that you all will bring to this program.

For organizations who would like their director or staff to participate in this program and are not yet CHCI members, please join us before submitting an application.

To participate, please fill out your respective form. You may also scroll down to the bottom of this page to access either form. The deadline for this year's program is August 1, 2024.

For questions, please contact Aaron Fai, CHCI Membership and Diversity Officer, at

Program Expectations

  • Mentorship Agreement: Each mentee and their mentor are expected to discuss expectations and make a plan for individual meetings and topics of interest. The agreement is designed as a living document that mentor pairings may revisit and adjust as needed. You may view the mentorship agreement template here and we expect to develop this document further as the program continues.

  • Individual Meetings: Each fellow and their mentor will meet individually at a frequency they determine together. We recommend a minimum of one meeting per semester.

  • Virtual Workshops: Mentees are required to attend two virtual workshops during the year, where we will discuss common topics and challenges, share insights and ideas, as well as foster community. Mentors are welcome to attend these workshops as well.

  • Reflection: At the end of the experience, we ask that participants share a brief reflection on their lessons learned as well as the current state of initial challenges.

  • Resources: Common resources will be collected and shared across the mentorship cohorts, and will benefit all current and future CHCI member directors and staff.

Timeline (2024-25)

  • June 1: Application opens

  • Aug 1: Deadline for application

  • August/September: First virtual workshop

  • Sept 1: Matching completed

  • Sept 1-Dec 31: First required meeting between mentorship pairs

  • Jan 1-April 31: Second required meeting between mentorship pairs

  • January/February: Second virtual workshop

  • May 1-31: Reflection submission

  • June/July: Annual Meeting presentations

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I meet with my mentor?

You and your mentor will together determine how frequently you meet. We expect that you meet with your mentor at minimum twice during the course of the program.

Who attends the mentorship workshops?

The two virtual workshops are a required part of the program for mentees, and mentors are welcome to attend as well.

What are my mentor and I going to work on together?
The Mentorship Agreement offers details regarding the kinds of questions mentorship pairings might address. Together you will create an informal agreement based on the areas in which you most need or wish for support. Your agreement is a living document and may be revised together at any time. In addition to your agreement, our twice annual workshops will establish core topics of the program, which your individual meetings can also address. Ultimately, it is up to you and your mentor to create an ongoing agenda, and your agreement is meant to be a guide for implementing that agenda.

Are there resources available?
Past resources shared by CHCI members are collected here, and we will be adding resources shared through this program. The resource collection and updates will be ongoing. Because of the dynamic nature of operating humanities organizations and our own capacities as a consortium, we are choosing to focus on forging human connections and sharing knowledge over the mass collection and organization of resources. But all mentors and mentees are very welcome to send resources to and we will add them to our resources section and share widely.

What if I’m having a problem with my mentor, mentee, or the program?
This program is subject to the CHCI Anti-Harassment Policy. We also ask that mentors and mentees agree to a degree of confidentiality in the spirit of open discussion. CHCI staff is present to support you throughout your time in the program. If for any reason the program is not working for you, please reach out to us and we will discuss possible solutions and interventions.