CHCI-Mellon Global Humanities Institutes 2021: Call for Interested Centers and Institutes [extended deadline: Oct. 15]
CHCI invites humanities centers and institutes around the world to propose their own themes for the next round of CHCI Global Humanities Institutes. We have extended the deadline to apply to October 15, 2019.
CHCI-Mellon Global Humanities Institutes 2020: Call for Interested Centers and Institutes [extended deadline: Oct. 1]
CHCI invites humanities centers and institutes around the world to propose their own themes for the next round of CHCI Global Humanities Institutes, building on the insights of our developing pilots. In this phase, we expect to fund one or two additional Institutes to take place in the summer of 2020.
CHCI-Mellon Global Humanities Institutes 2020: Call for Interested Centers and Institutes
CHCI invites humanities centers and institutes around the world to propose their own themes for the next round of CHCI Global Humanities Institutes, building on the insights of our developing pilots. In this phase, we expect to fund one or two additional Institutes to take place in the summer of 2020.
Seven Centers Named Partners in the CHCI African Humanities Map
Seven research centers and cultural organizations have recently been selected as partners and small grant awardees as part of the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes’ African Humanities Map project.