Virtual Event—21世紀批判性策展:公共空間、新媒體以及地緣政治 / Critical Curatorial Practices in the 21st Century: Public Space, New Media and Geopolitics
針對21世紀的深刻轉變和複雜挑戰,策展藝術家可以採用哪些策略來應對全球和本地的問題?/ In response to the profound transformations and complex challenges of the 21st century, what strategies can curatorial artists employ to tackle global and local issues?
Public Humanities Award for Leadership in Practice and Community
The CHCI Public Humanities Network is proud to announce the recipients of the inaugural Public Humanities Award for Leadership in Practice and Community. Awardees will be recognized at the upcoming CHCI Annual Meeting 2024. (Image: Anastacio “Stosh” Asuncion discussing his family’s experience as strawberry sharecroppers as a part of ‘Watsonville Is in the Heart,’ which supports artistic research and oral history about Filipino migration and labor in the city of Watsonville and greater Pajaro Valley.)
Public Humanities Journal Launches at Cambridge University Press
Scholarship with fire and footnotes — introducing Public Humanities, a new journal that intersects humanities scholarship with public life. (From Cambridge University Press)
FHI at 25: Origins and Reflections
2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute at Duke University. Join the first in a series of celebrations this Friday Feb 16, featuring the Institute's joint founders Cathy N. Davidson and Karla F. C. Holloway.