CHCI Member Directory

CHCI currently has a membership of more than 300 organizations in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Pacific Rim. Our members include humanities centers at small, medium, and large colleges and universities, community colleges, independent scholarly societies, research libraries, and other institutes of advanced study.

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Center for Humanities Research

George Mason University
United States of America
Director, Alison Landsberg
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Center for Studying Structures of Race

Roanoke College
United States of America
Director, Jesse Bucher
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College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

University of Virginia
United States of America
Executive Vice President and Provost, Ian Baucom
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Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture

College of William and Mary
United States of America
Executive Director, Kelly Catherine E.
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Virginia Tech Center for Humanities

Virginia Tech
United States of America
Director, Paul Quigley
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