Administrative Manager and Financial Officer
Founded in 2001, the University of Connecticut's Humanities Institute has become an intellectual hub for scholars in the humanities and related social sciences. The UCHI promotes synergistic activities that enhance the intellectual development and research productivity of faculty, both internal and external, through its fellowship programs, luncheon lecture series, grant writing workshops, junior faculty forums, thematic study groups, as well as special events that celebrate authors and recognize emeritus faculty. The UCHI also supports interdisciplinary conferences, symposia, and colloquia speakers.
To aid emerging scholars, the UCHI offers annual graduate dissertation fellowships and undergraduate research grants to deserving applicants. Graduate students receive a full assistantship, plus funds to support research travel, photocopying and similar expenses. Undergraduate students receive funds to support senior and honors theses, as well as artistic projects.
UCHI scholars and events stimulate discovery, encourage dialogue, and promote innovative research. As a centerpiece for the University of Connecticut's commitment to the humanities, UCHI extends its reputation nationally as well as locally through public engagement in an effort to promote an understanding of the human condition from the ancient world to the present.
External Fellowships and Opportunities
Faculty Residential Fellowships UCHI Residential Fellowships are opportunities for individuals to pursue advanced work in the humanities. Applicants may be faculty or staff members of colleges or universities, or scholars and independent writers. The residential fellowships are for one academic year and include a stipend, office space, and library privileges. Teaching of one advanced course is required for the academic year. For more details, visit
CHCI/ACLS Partnership The Institute is a participant in the CHCI/ACLS Partnership, which connects CHCI member organvizations with recipients of the ACLS Recent Doctoral Recipients fellowship program. Visit for information on this program.