Humanities Institute
University of South Florida

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Elizabeth Kicak
Jade von Werder


The quest of the humanities is to explore life’s “big” questions: What is true, good, beautiful, and right? How best can we document and preserve valued traditions, critique present conditions, and envision a hopeful future that avoids the errors of the past? The humanities help us learn not only how to make a living, but also how to make a meaningful and rewarding life.

The Humanities Institute explores these crucial questions through focused scholarship in history, philosophy, language, literature and a broad range of fields that explore the dimensions of what it means to be human. At a time when technological change, medical advances, and the dizzying speed of globalizing forces can leave us breathless, these questions are not merely interesting, but urgent.

The USF Humanities Institute provides a forum where ideas are debated, values are clarified, and students, faculty, and community come together to envision a better world through scholarship, cross-disciplinary inquiry, and public programs. We aim to strengthen our focus on relevance and community engagement, demonstrating that the joy and challenge of the humanities belong to everyone.