Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry
Emory University

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Carla Freeman

Associate Director

Mae Velloso-Lyons
Kaelyn McAdams


The FCHI is a focal point for humanities endeavors at Emory University and serves to advance research and teaching, overall, in the humanities. The FCHI serves both those trained in the humanities and also others in the University who are interested in humanistic issues. The FCHI is dedicated to providing occasions and spaces for encouraging intellectual community and scholarship across disciplines.

Postdoctoral Fellows Program

The purpose of the FCHI Post-Doctoral Fellows Program is to stimulate and support humanistic research by providing scholars in early stages of their careers with the necessary time, space, and other resources. In addition, the Program was created to allow the Emory community access to a range of humanistic work by visiting scholars from other institutions. Post-Doctoral Fellows, who must have the Ph.D. in hand before the submission of their applications, are awarded to those who have held the Ph.D. for no more than six years before receiving the fellowship. Visit the Center's website for complete program information.