Center for Advanced Studies
Eurac Research

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Head of Center

Harald Pechlander Professor


Roland Benedikter

Team Assistant

Ieva Kudure

Team Assistant

Marlies Blaas


How do we want to live and work in the future? The Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research uses an interdisciplinary approach to analyze social, economic and political processes and their implications for the future. The Center for Advanced Studies is part of Eurac Research, a private research center based in Bolzano (South Tyrol) Italy. Eurac Research was founded in 1992 with twelve employees. Today, Eurac Research employs over 600 people spread across eleven institutes and six centers – one of which is the Center for Advanced Studies, founded in 2017. Research and innovation are the driving forces in the search for new responsible and climate-friendly economic models, socio-ecological transformation, cohesion in our society and the ongoing fight against inequalities. With this in mind, the Center combines expertise from political science, sociology, economics, socio-economics and philosophy. The team consists of both specialists and generalists who work closely together – always engaging in critical exchange while using various scientific methods. How can we make global and local value chains sustainable? How can our society become multi-resilient and capable of confidently mastering different challenges? The Center for Advanced Studies tracks world events and highlights their impacts at the local level. Expertise and international networks are used to anticipate developments. The Center for Advanced Studies of Eurac Research is led by Harald Pechlaner, Full Professor of Tourism and Entrepreneurship at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany, and Roland Benedikter, UNESCO Chair holder in Interdisciplinary Anticipation and Global-Local Transformation, Center for Advanced Studies, Eurac Research, Bolzano, Italy.