Engaging Diverse Rural Audiences in West Virginia: An Interview with Renée K. Nicholson
An interview with Renée K. Nicholson, director of West Virginia University's Humanities Center, on making inroads into rural communities, and embracing creative and unconventional pathways in the humanities as a young humanities center.

Humanities in the Emergency Room
While New York City was the epicenter of the ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic, Rishi Goyal served as Attending Physician in the Emergency Department at Columbia University Medical Center. He also has a PhD in English and Comparative Literature. He spoke with CHCI's Jason Rozumalski in order to discuss his experience in the emergency room and critical initiatives that the humanities bring to creating better healthcare.

Doing Medical Humanities without a Medical School
Esther Jones of Clark University has been doing medical humanities at a small college without a medical school and wants to know who else is out there.

Aging and its Tropes
Aging is a natural process of exiting life, a process that starts at a very early age and does not end until the particular form of life expires. In this essay, Neni Panourgiá reflects on her own research as well as collaborative work on this topic at Columbia University.