Ideas from Africa • Episode 4, Global South, Africa, CHCI, Podcasts

Astonishing African Futures

This fourth and final episode of Ideas from Africa asks how do African science fiction writers tell stories about their own imagined future?

Global South, CHCI, Annual Meeting

Rosinka Chaudhuri: On Cultural Studies, Her Role in CHCI, and the Location of Thought

An interview with Rosinka Chauduri, Professor and Director of the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta. Chaudhuri explores her perspectives on academia within the Global South, on pedagogy, and her relationship with CHCI.

Ideas from Africa • Episode 3, Global South, Africa, CHCI, Podcasts

Decolonizing the Mind

This third episode of Ideas from Africa explores what "decolonizing the mind" portends for African writers, thinkers, and revolutionaries as well as its global significance in the twenty-first century.